Population - this is a common suggestion, but I have another idea for it.Ideologies (communism, facism etc) - they will be a symbol somewhere in the nation's menu and also impact CE, population (coming to it now) gold.Revolt shapes - Revolts to be better shaped and not a rhombus all the time.Join to check out any updates and how development is going and share and download maps made by the community! This Game is Not Supported on mobile or Chromebook! Any mobile versions you might see are fake, not safe, and you shouldn't download them!
The Full Version (available here and on Steam) includes things like larger maps, better performance, ability to disable AI (so you can declare all wars, alliances etc), custom borders, pre-set maps with nations, more terrain types, economy, improved god powers and much more! We have a Discord Server: HERE The game has some statistics which can help in finding ancient nations and comparing them to each other. World Building: This game can also work as a tool for world building, thanks to its ability to keep track of nations long since passed.Nation management: You can edit the names of nations you have a particular interest of, even after they have been destroyed.Session management: You have some control over the initial setup of the world by spawning a select number of nations before randomization.Maps: The game currently has 12 different maps provide interesting layouts for your game, in addition to a Custom Map Painter.AI-only: In this game you observe randomized nations interact with each other and ultimately try to control the world in a massive free-for-all !.Ages of Conflict is a versatile World Map Simulation Game